12/15(金)に開催される空間実験室LABO のオンラインシアターチケットです。86B210 + 鶴賀伊勢一郎(三味線新内方)のコラボレーション。
12/15(金)の会場での実際のパフォーマンスのご予約は[email protected] にて承っております。
Our Next LABO performance will be held on December 15th at 20:00、86B210 Dancer Fumie Suzuki ,Keiko Iguchi+ Iseichiro Tsuruga (Shamisen) at COOH.
If you would like to come in person, please contact us at [email protected].
These tickets are for our Online Theater, to see the online version of the performance. The Online Theater will be viewable from December 16th through 19th (3days). We hope you will be able to enjoy the performance, whether in person or online!
(If you would like to buy a ticket for the Online Theater, please click on the blue button with the shopping cart image. In the pop-up window that launches, please click on the lower button. If you then click on the "Overseas" option on the next page, the interface will switch to English.)